Supply Chain Management

Jeeves ERP is optimised to support manufacturers and distributors of every configuration. Easily and seamlessly manage multiple warehouses, currencies, languages and distributed customers and suppliers.

Bilden visar ett lager och en truck som jobbar

Within the Jeeves Supply Chain Management application area, you can control processes and decisions that maximise the profitability of your operations, reduce labour and transportation costs, and improve inventory accuracy. The Supply Chain Management module is designed to give you complete visibility of (and seamless collaboration with) your supply chain.

You can extend the toolset with warehouse management, transport management and EDI functionality from our technology partners.

  • Inventory Management
  • Inventory Replenishment
  • Inventory Optimisation
  • Procurement
  • Deliveries
  • WMS 
  • Transportation Management Systems
  • Inter Company Transactions

Jeeves ERP for Supply Chain Management enables you to:

  • Create workflows that preserve the uniqueness of your distribution cycle, from purchasing to stocking to returns.
  • Easily integrate the application space with your equipment and other supply chain critical systems such as label printers, scanners, handhelds, EDI, external WMS systems, automated storage and retrieval systems, and any other application that drives your supply chain.
  • Search on any field or data point to answer questions and resolve issues with your suppliers and partners.
  • Move, add or remove fields and create your own tabs, buttons and reports.


Bilden visar Jeeves ERP för logistik

Key Features in Jeeves Supply Chain Management

Enhance your ERP with intelligent additive solutions