Delivery options Jeeves ERP

Jeeves ERP is a flexible and adaptable ERP regardless if you choose our Cloud solution or install it On-premises. The platform and the features are the same with both options. What you prefer depends on your chosen IT strategy and your specific needs.

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Choose what delivery model suits your company

All companies are unique, therefor the same delivery model doesn’t necessary fit all. That is why we offer two different models when it comes to Jeeves ERP. You can either take the step towards cloud and chose our cloud solution Jeeves ERP Cloud or if you prefer, have the ERP on-premises, and chose our subscription solution. 

What do they have in common? 

  • Both are bought via subscription
  • One annual update is included
  • Same functionality and platform

Advantages of Jeeves ERP Cloud 

  • No investments in hardware or software  
  • Jeeves take responsibility of both daily operations and security  
  • Backup and disaster recovery is included
  • Hotfix/patching is included
  • Faster implementation and access to the system 
  • Scalable soloution 
  • Fixed monthly cost including annual verified update  
  • One single point of contact for your ERP
  • Easier to maintain, especially if the company is in different locations and countries 
  • Easier to troubleshoot and support since Jeeves are responsible for your environment  
  • Reduced carbon footprint – powered by 100 percent renewable energy


Advantages of Subscription

  • Possibility to install on own hardware 
  • Possibility to adapt for your specific needs 
  • Fast månadskostnad för Jeeves mjukvara inkl årlig uppgradering 
  • Fixed monthly cost including annual verified update  







What is included in Jeeves ERP Cloud? 

  • Hybrid Standard Services
  • Design studio – design tool for Desktop, mobile client, program menu and dashboards.
  • Cloud dashboards – dashboards with several predefined widgets 
  • Federated login – multi-factor authentication for secure login.
  • Mobile notifications – push notifications from Jeeves server to mobile app
  • API-platform – platform with standard APIs which will also allow for you to create your own APIs


Ehn & Land recommends Jeeves ERP Cloud

- It doesn't take much effort for us to manage our IT, we have a straightforward and simple solution from Jeeves with the ERP system in Cloud. Everything related to operations is handled by Jeeves, which means that we can focus on our core business and what we are good at.

- It was when we upgraded Jeeves ERP that we also decided to go to Jeeves ERP Cloud. We have been with Jeeves since 2011 and see many advantages with Cloud. As we grow,  we can also make rapid changes and add other Cloud solutions in our IT structure.  

- I would recommend the Jeeves Cloud solution to others because it is a simple and flexible solution which let you focus on your own business and what you are good at, concludes Robert. 

Robert Bååth
Bilden visar Robert Bååth hos Ehn&Land och Conny Arvidsson hos Jeeves