Chinese Car Importers Choose Garp
"We intend to go from zero to SEK 500 million in five years and need an ERP system that can grow at the same pace," said Anders Olevik, President of Cheman Auto.
Microcraft, with the ERP system Garp, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Jeeves Information Systems. With Garp, Jeeves covers the market for ERP systems with 5-30 users.
"With Garp, we can offer a competitive solution for growth companies. The customer starts with Garp. When the business expands, the customer can easily upgrade to Jeeves ERP," said Camilla Parneving, Marketing Director of Jeeves.
Cheman Auto is the first company in Scandinavia to import cars manufactured in China. The forecast is a turnover of approximately SEK 500 million within five years through activities such as the import of cars from Zhejiang Gonow Auto.
The sale was conducted together with GC Solutions. GC Solutions', Growth Concept, was a factor in CHEMAN AUTO AB's choice of Garp.