Bolon's unique woven flooring today covers shops, offices and hotels all over the world. Since 2011, they have been using Jeeves ERP as their ERP system.

Bolon is undergoing further expansion with Jeeves as its new ERP system
From Ulricehamn to the world, in only eight years; that has been the story of the family business Bolon’s development over recent years, with a trebling of turnover since sisters Marie and Annica Eklund took over their parents’ weaving mill in 2003. Today, Bolon is a design-driven business with representation worldwide. In light of the company’s continued expansion, Bolon has made the switched to Jeeves as its new ERP system.
Bolon’s unique woven flooring decorates the floors of shops, offices and hotels in all corners of the globe. In 2010, Bolon crossed a volume threshold when the company received an order for 95,000 square metres of flooring for Italy’s highest building – Palazzo Lombardia. The international attention the company has received continues to drive growth and has also led to more collaborations with internationally renowned designers and architects. All of Bolon’s flooring is designed and manufactured in Sweden with full control maintained over every aspect and using machines developed in-house and adapted to the company’s own production requirements.
Strategic and important investments for growth
Over the past two years, as Bolon looks to the future the company has invested heavily in areas of strategic importance to continued growth, with SEK 70 million being poured into extensions and machinery, as well as the change to Jeeves ERP.
The new Jeeves system was commissioned in late autumn 2011, replacing a system that had been in use for over a decade. Beate Eidhall, Bolon’s IT and logistics manager, believes that the switch to Jeeves is a necessity if the company is to take the next expansive leap and streamline its business processes in areas such as production, warehousing, procurement and finance.
“The rapid growth over recent years has dramatically increased the demand for good systems support for our business processes, something that our old system simply couldn’t provide. We decided to procure a new system that could meet our need for cost-effective, smooth adaption and that would be both easy to use and to develop further. The ERP system is a tool that virtually all of our employees use on a daily basis, something that places great demands on user-friendliness,” says Beate Eidhall.
In parallel with a comparison of various ERP systems, the company also evaluated potential suitable ERP partners. with the choice falling on Jeeves Professional Services (fmr. Infocube).
“It is crucial that we have a partner with both the expertise to understand our processes and resources to actively contribute to adapting Jeeves to the ever-changing demands placed on it. We constantly strive to streamline our processes and, in combination with the intense tempo at which we work, this means that our ERP partner must be able to keep pace and even proactively propose good solutions. The implementation of Jeeves proved to be a tough and intensive period but we now feel secure in both our choice of system and partner. Jeeves Professional Services, formerly Infocube, has demonstrated great commitment and we now look on their project group as part of our ERP team,” concludes Beate Eidhall.
About Bolon
Swedish flooring company Bolon was founded in 1949. Today, Bolon is a design company at the cutting edge, owned and managed by the sisters Annica and Marie Eklund, the third generation of the family to take the reins. They have taken the company from being a traditional mill manufacturing woven mats to an international design brand focused on innovative flooring solutions and creative interior design possibilities. All of the company’s production proudly takes place in Sweden. Among Bolon’s customers are brands such as Adidas/Reebok, Armani, Google, Mercedes and Sheraton, as well as significant architects and designers, Tom Dixon, Jean Nouvel and Cappellini among them.