Why a flexible and scalable ERP is important in Life Science

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A flexible and scalable ERP system is important in every industry, including life science. Increased competition, a changing market, regulations and legal requirements make it necessary for the ERP system to be configurable and scalable to your business. Here we look at some of the things that are important to consider if you work in Life Science and are considering procuring a new ERP system.

Configuration options provide a competitive edge

It is important that the ERP system you choose can be configured to your specific needs. Your processes are probably not the same as those of your competitors and with the support of a flexible ERP system, you can automate and streamline your business processes and become more competitive in the market. Time-to-market is important in life science and that requires the right system support. It is also important that the ERP system can keep up with changes in the market. The requirements and needs are changing all the time, and suddenly you have to develop new products or services and you need to be able to set up new processes and routines for that.

Scalability is important so you can grow with the system

It is also important that the ERP system can be scaled up at the same rate as your business. Things may happen in the market or within the organization and then it is essential to have an ERP system that can keep up with the expansion. A scalable architecture can handle large amounts of data and can be easily adapted to support new business areas or expansions of new businesses, giving you good opportunities to continue growing. When you procure an ERP system, it is important to think ahead – what will our needs be in five or ten years?

Handling complex data for better analyses

The Life Science industry often processes vast amounts of data from different sources, such as research, development, production and sales. It also handles financial data, customer data and market data. The ERP system becomes an important cog in helping to manage the data efficiently and thereby reducing the risk of errors. With the right system support, you can make better analyses and better decisions.

How can Jeeves help you?

Jeeves ERP offers support right from the conception stage or new business opportunities through development, production and distribution to product phase-out with full traceability and history. All this takes place within the framework of GDP and GMP where the integrated quality process ensures that the products comply with all regulatory requirements. All documentation is saved and is available for all process steps. All parts of the business process can even be measured through visualization of data and progress.

Read more about our solution for Life Science here

 Jeeves ERP for Life Science