Söderbergföretagen Generates Synergies with Jeeves ERP
Jeeves ERP will be deployed in three subsidiaries: Andrén & Söner, Elisolation, and STI Industriplast. These will receive a bundled product offering including production, sales, CRM, purchasing, and inventory as well as Jeeves Workflow for automating processes and Jeeves BI/Qlikview for more efficient analysis, feedback, and control.
"Until now, we have had several different ERP systems in our companies. But with extremely similar business operations, we see an opportunity to boost the efficiency in our processes and gain valuable synergies by using a common system. One of the subsidiaries has used Jeeves ERP for 10 years, and after a thorough selection process, we have now decided to deploy the system in two more subsidiarie.” said Tommy Hansson, responsible for ERP systems procurement at Söderbergföretagen.
Jeeves partner, Infocube, has enjoyed healthy sales in the logistics and production sectors.
"The key factors for success in this transaction and in this business sector are Jeeves ERP’s flexibility, transparency, and broad functionality, combined with a reliable partner who has ample expertise in systems, business operations, and project methodology.” said Jonas Hammarberg, Vice President of Infocube.
For more information:Tommy Hansson, responsible for ERP systems procurement, Söderbergföretagen+46-736-825-403, tommy.hansson@andrensoner.se, www.soderbergforetagen.se
About Jeeves
Jeeves Information Systems AB develops Sweden's most popular ERP system*. The products, Jeeves Selected, Jeeves Universal and Garp, offer wide functionality at one of the lowest total costs of ownership in the market. Customers exceed 4.000 companies in more than 40 countries. Jeeves is listed on NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange (Small Cap) since 1999. www.jeeves.se/en
* Exido IT-barometern 2009