Market Leading Lahega Kemi Chooses Jeeves
"We were looking for a flexible and upgradeable ERP system that could be put to strategic use in our strive for growth. The choice was Jeeves since it is very important to us that the system can be used by all parts of the business and that it is also capable of growing along with the business," said Mikael Lundborg, deputy CEO at Lahega Kemi.
Lahega Kemi AB runs one of the most modern factories in Europe with production and sales of chemico-technical products to customers within vehicle maintenance; passenger cars and trucks, for professional users and for consumers, to hygiene customers within the food industry and to state and municipal administration, and to the engineering industry. This makes Lahega Kemi AB the market leading enterprise in Sweden. During 2006, Lahega Kemi AB has also started to set up in business on the European market.
"Jeeves’ offer is very attractive for midsized companies that experience a strong growth rate and need an ERP system that can be adapted to the business progress. InfoCube has, with Lahega Kemi, initiated an important deal for Jeeves where we will be following the customer’s growth process," said Lars Dahlberg, Sales Director at Jeeves.
The order has been signed by the Jeeves Information System’s partner InfoCube.
"Lahega Kemi is a large assignment for InfoCube with installations and licenses spanning all over the group and this means that Jeeves will be an important driving force in Lahega Kemi’s growth," said Jonas Hammarberg, Marketing and Sales Director at InfoCube.About Jeeves Europe´s fastest growing supplier of ERP-systems (Gartner, August 2006). The Jeeves Information Systems AB group of companies develops ERP systems for companies within the manufacturing, trade, maintenance and service sectors. Jeeves concentrates on product development, while sales are channeled through partners and resellers. In total Jeeves has around 70 partners globally. In Sweden partners are represented on 20 locations.The main products are Jeeves Universal and Garp, all in all installed at over 3 900 companies. Present operations started in 1992 and the company has been listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange since 1999.