How do you know when a consultant is truly appreciated by the customer?
Read about how Jeeves customer Alutrade surprised our consultant Tolo Söderström who will soon retire, as a thank you for a long and brilliant collaboration!
At Jeeves, the consultants work very closely with our customers and they often work on site with the customer so that we are always available, and that often results in strong relationships. We are always happy when our consultants are appreciated by colleagues as well as customers and that is why it’s always sad when someone leaves us.
This year one of our employees and consultants Tolo Söderström is going into a well deserved retirement. He has since 2017 worked with the Jeeves customer Alutrade AB who delivers aluminum profiles and when Alutrade contacted us and told us that they wanted to thank Tolo with a surprise we became extra happy for Tolo. Therefore, we took the opportunity to talk to Alutrade's CEO, Mattias Söderqvist and Åsa Brittsten Hjelm, Marketing Communicator.
What did the collaboration with Tolo and Jeeves look like during the time you have worked together?
- The collaboration with Tolo has been reliable, fun and we have learnt a lot too! Tolo is an asset as he has an amazing helicopter view and ability to understand the customer and the customer's needs. He has worked on "both sides" and knows the ropes, says Mattias.
What qualities do you think are the most important for a consultant?
- Responsiveness is important and so is the consultant's understanding of one's business. An ability to understand the business flows and processes and at the same time to not be afraid to come up with suggestions on how to do things differently. This way you can optimize flows, save time and money and optimize efficiency, Mattias continues.
What will you miss most now that Tolo retires?
- Primarily Tolo as a person but of course his knowledge, project manager skills, positive attitude and problem solving ability. He has promised to check in for coffee every now and then, and that we look forward to, says Åsa.
How do you vision the future collaboration between Jeeves and Alutrade?
- There are many good consultants at Jeeves, and we see the future as bright. We are convinced that we will continue to have a nice and rewarding collaboration, concludes Åsa.
A big thank you to Tolo Söderström for your time at Jeeves!