Brexit - What do I need to prepare in Jeeves?

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When the United Kingdom left the EU on 31 January 2020, a so-called transition period occurred. During this period, all business relations with the United Kingdom have remained more or less as is. We are now approaching the end of the transition period; it will end on 31 December 2020 and it will not be extended.

What changes should I expect to happen?

Starting on January 1, 2021, changes will occur. Here we are going to address those that can affect your settings in Jeeves ERP. Further down in this reading you will find more information.

  • A new country "Northern Ireland" (XI - Northern Ireland) must be created in the country table, as they will have different rules than the United Kingdom.
  • Country 'UK' in Jeeves ERP needs to change trade code.
  • Customers and suppliers (table: fr) in Northern Ireland must change country code.
  • Customers and suppliers (table: kus and le) in the UK must change VAT code. Might also apply on customer and supplier category.
  • Open orders in Jeeves ERP must be updated with correct VAT codes.
  • On existing business records (table: fr) in the UK, the trading area needs to be updated.
  •  Run the reports EUPER and INTRASTAT for December, before you take action on changes.

What do I need to prepare outside of Jeeves?

Information is available in various places, so here we have tried to summarize the most important ones that may affect you, but there may also be specific areas not mentioned here. In that case, just contact your responsible salesperson or our support and we will help you find the information you need.

The Swedish Tax Office has gathered all the necessary information about VAT, changes that take place in the area and how it can affect your company.

The Swedish Customs has gathered all the necessary information about the impact on Swedish trade and a new application for an Eori-number may also be needed, also here changes can affect your company.

The Swedish Government has summarized most of the topic on Brexit and here you will also find links to both the Swedish Tax Office and the Swedish Customs.

We hope that your transition to trade with the UK as a country outside the EU will go well. We at Jeeves do what we can to stay informed and will react on any changes that may affect your business.

Do you have more questions or need further support? We are always here to help you, contact us by logging in to the Support Portal.