Jeeves Inter Company Transactions

Enables companies with complex organisational structures and geographically dispersed units to act as a single entity to their customers. ICT makes working with customers and warehouse replenishment a fully automated process.

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Jeeves ICT feature can easily automate inter-company information exchange, such as invoicing, customer orders and inventory orders.

Automation at Every Level

Sharing order information between companies is fully automated. This includes invoicing, customer orders and inventory orders. If any of the order details change, such as the selling company, the order quantity or the price, Jeeves ICT will immediately update the order details for the supplying company. Similarly, the supplying company can make changes that affect the selling company.

Jeeves ICT provides a completely transparent view across the entire organisation. Users can see item balance information at all supplying sites, as well as the demands placed on them by selling sites.

Simplifies Complex Organisational Structure

Jeeves ICT is designed for companies with a complex structure or units spread over large geographical areas. The system is a good tool for companies with one or more distribution centres, factories or remote sales offices.

Jeeves ICT can coordinate the logistical activities found in most organisations, such as order details, financial transactions and general inventory flows.

Rapid ROI

Jeeves ICT provides a rapid return on investment through reduced inventory costs, drastically reduced lead times and improved customer service. By choosing Jeeves ICT, companies can expect to make additional savings by reducing the administrative burden associated with multiple sales channels.

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The Benefits 

  • Reduced inventory costs
  • Shorten lead times
  • Improving customer service and providing more accurate delivery dates
  • Ensure data integrity across multiple selling and supplying companies
  • Track and measure the financial impact of supply and demand across the organisation
  • Get an accurate view of inventory levels from any location
  • Significantly reduce the administrative burden of selling across multiple channels
